About Qisab

A story Made in Sweden

QIS Metrologies AB, is a Swedish innovative company based in Halmstad, Sweden. The company was formed as a spin-off from the research of professors Lars Bååth and Bengt-Göran Rosén at the University of Halmstad.

The company product, CWS is using measurements of coherent and incoherent scattering of laser light.The technique detect the surface standard deviation (Sq) from 0.010 – 0.350 µm. The system is fast and robust and therefore ideal suitable for automated in-line production processes. The CWS makes it possible to scan the entire object quickly and to obtain information about the surface quality with corresponding positioning to the CAD data. The in­formation consist of both statistical values ​for gloss and waviness as well as the detection of struc­tures and their direction. The product is fully developed and is recently launched. QISAB´s flexible, totally integrated solutions and products for robust industrial conditions has been patented.

The target concept for future industries is usually referred to as “Industrie 4.0”. The QIS´s solutions are therefore especially developed and tried to be plug-in suitable for the next generation industrial process Industrie 4.0. The QIS product is instrumental in replacing the manual moments and we estimate that the gain of the new automatic methods will decrease the polishing and measuring times with up to 90% and the costs with up to 75%.

The company´s vision is to become a world leading player within in-line inspection of surfaces inside the industrial process; and in-line quality control of goods as well as tools to determine time of maintenance. QIS will strive to provide quality measurement instrument products and services to our customers assuring them of advantages such as higher added value through increased competitiveness. QIS will achieve this by offering flexible system solutions with new technology content.


QIS Metrologies AB – is a spin-off company from Halmstad University, Sweden

The CWS technology is an example of cross-science from extreme high-resolution imaging of quasars to the nanometric structure of machined surfaces. The CWS coherent laser scattering instrument is developed within the EU project poliMATIC with the Fraunhofer Institute of Aachen, Germany.

The Head office is located in Halmstad at Montörgatan 7, close to the E6 and the University.

Lars Bååth & Bengt-Göran Rosén
Lars Bååth & Bengt-Göran Rosén

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