QISAB has developed a range of products for fast- and precise control of surface quality for automatic- and manual inspection.
Demands of surface visual appearance and absence of defects are of highest interest for the whole value chain ranging from tool material suppliers to the end-users acceptance of a products visual- and functional properties. Products like mobile phone covers, contact lenses, and pressed sheet steel pannels for car bodies are examples where surface control is vital and strategic for competetive reasons.
The QISAB range of products meet those demands and has been developed in an international research environment and has proved to meet high demands on process integration- and industrial robustness.
CWS – Coherent Wave Scatter System is a robust laser system for measurement of surface quality parameters in the nanometer range, suitable for in-line inspection.
The technique measures areas up to 4×4 mm in 0,1 sec depending on the laser spot size and surface standard deviation (Sq) in the range of 0.010 – 0.350 µm. Measurement speed can be increased by using two or more sensors in parallel. The measurement system is robust and therefore ideal suitable for automated in-line processes e.g. by integration into tool changing systems of robots.
The CWS makes it possible to scan the entire object quickly, in line within the production cell and to obtain information about the surface quality with corresponding positioning to the CAD data.
The information consist of both statistical values for gloss and waviness as well as the detection of structures and their directions. This information is used as a feedback mandatory for automated manufacturing processes and are part of a more objective quality assurance. The detected data for surface roughness (Sq), gloss, symmetry, and structure (Str) correlates in relation to the surface texture with ISO 25178, part of the international standard GPS (Geometrical Product Specification).